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5 Ways To Restructure Your Mental Health This Summer | How To Be That Girl

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

You are here for a reason.

People who scroll through blogs typically aren't uninspired. They are goal-driven people!

And since you are reading this blog right now, I will assume you have large goals ahead of you.

And you are here today for that next boost you need to continue fighting for your goals.

I say fight because it truly is. We have to fight for what we want or it simply won't happen.

So how do we fight for them? Good question!

Write your goals down.

I know it sounds simple, but we need them written down EVERYWHERE.

I want a sticky note on your car's dash, on your bathroom mirror, on your coffee pot; I want them everywhere.

We are creative people with incredible goals! The simple truth is that if we are constantly reminded of that, it's that much more likely we will be able to follow through on those goals.

Remind yourself that this is what you want, and you are willing to do what it takes.

Have an accountability partner.

This person doesn't need to be striving for the same goals as you! This person is going to be your push to continue even when you are tired.

They are going to call you out when you begin slacking. They are going to ask you hard questions.

You need this person if you are going to truly achieve this. You are human, and humans need humans.

Know your WHY.

This goes back to our first item of writing things down. You need to know your unique why because that will be your rock in the storm.

Your goals are not easy! There are going to be roadblocks.

Those roadblocks won't hit as hard when you have your why to keep focused on.

If it helps, write your why right alongside those sticky notes of your actual goal.

Why are these your goals in the first place?

Make it achievable.

This might be the most important tip I have ever seen out there.

We all too often start with our large goals and expect that we can get there.

What we don't realize is that we have to work backward from that goal.

For example, you want to run 5 miles but you haven't run in years. You would focus on that beautiful goal of 5 miles, but you would need to look at what is achievable right now.

Can you start by walking a mile?

After that feels more comfortable, add a few miles of walking. Then jog a mile!

Do you see what I mean?

If we said we are going to run 5 miles, and realized we couldn't do that next week we would get heavily discouraged.

If we break it down into achievable-sized goals that add up to the main goal, we are more likely to succeed!

Ensure this is your goal.

I know this tip will resonate heavily with some of you.

My last and heaviest tip I have for you is this; make sure you are striving for a goal because you want it.

Your goals are not your mom's goals. They are not your dad's goals, or anyone else's.

You deserve to pursue YOU. You have come too far to put so much time and energy into something that you don't even want.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." - Jim Rohn

You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to. Sometimes we just don't approach those things the right way.

Life doesn't have to be as difficult as we make it!

Comment below what you are doing for your mental health this summer!

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