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How To Get Pissed And Start Healing From Burnout: 3 Steps To Combat Burnout

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

Burnout Recovery is in no way a straight line and therefore a difficult topic to venture into. It takes time and even energy output which we often don’t have. Why? Because we are burnt out!

The entire reason I even started this blog is that I wasn’t hearing the nasty part of recovery. All I knew was that I had no energy; I was emotionally drained of all emotion and I couldn’t fathom being told one more time that “it’s just a journey.”

I have figured out that you won’t get anywhere until you are completely pissed about where you are in life.

The definition of burnout on google literally includes the words ``overwhelming exhaustion” and yet we are meant to still proceed as contributing citizens of the world.

What is it going to take to make you pissed about where you are in life?

You are feeling exhausted and waking up exhausted no matter how early you go to bed. You wake up feeling dissociated before even opening your eyes. You feel like your personality is slowly dimming, and you are becoming a different person.

Do you relate to these? Yes? Then get mad!

You have the right to be mad about where you are right now. It’s a terrible place to be, and you know you aren’t meant to be there. Circumstances have brought you here, but you are strong enough to bring yourself out.

Let’s change the game; get mad and make shit happen.

List Your Symptoms

The first step we are going to take is to write down each symptom we are feeling and more importantly don’t want to feel anymore.

This list alone should make you mad. This list is what is sucking the life out of you! Let’s rearrange that list in order of severity or what is affecting your life the most.

What symptom is causing you to stay in bed each morning? Now let’s keep this list for step 2.

Make An Action Plan

This next step is where we are going to take that list and create an action plan from it. I know what you are thinking.

The hell I am making an action plan. I know that this is the last thing you want to do right now but don’t forget how mad you are, okay?

You don’t deserve to stay stuck feeling like this forever so this action plan is a hope you haven’t felt in a while. So bring out that list and write next to each symptom something you think you are capable of doing to combat that symptom.

Here's an example:

Symptom: Terrible nightmares each night.
Action: Journal any fears you have before you go to sleep each night.

These action plans need to be practical and something you truly know you can do. They also need to be very specific. I didn’t just say journal before bed, I said journal any fears before bed as that pertains to nightmares instead of staying generic.

Ask For Help

The last step is not going to be something everyone is even willing to do. I recommend taking that symptom list and writing beside each one a doctor who could help you.

The thought of asking for outside help is terrifying to a large number of people and so most don’t. However, asking for help takes the mental load off of you and allows you to focus on healing. Burnout is something that takes over your entire life.

You can’t just suck it up and act normal each day. It burns you alive from the inside out and you can’t live like that.

Here is an example of the list that I created:

Symptom: Headaches and neck pain.
Action: Move my body by going to the gym.
Help: Find a Chiropractor.

Symptom: Anxiety due to my past trauma.
Action: Start journaling and take time off work.
Help: Find a therapist.

Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of and honestly, burnout is most often not something you can heal on your own. It takes energy that you simply don’t have and needs others' support to muster enough of it to heal a little bit each day.

Burnout is an awful mental battle to go through, and I highly recommend you don’t go through it alone. There are numerous ways to reach out to others, especially in this day and age with the internet.

Reading blogs such as mine is also an incredible resource that has helped me through many rough times in my life. There is a way through the maze of burnout; it’s just a matter of finding the unique maze that fits what you need.

I believe in you, and I want you to believe in yourself. Don’t be afraid to get mad about where you are in life and ask for help.

Comment below with your thoughts!

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