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5 Tips to Feel Like Yourself During A Depressive Episode

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

When I consider who my audience is I envision an overthinker who is also a chronic people pleaser. Was I on the right track?

This post is for you if you resonate with these statements.

  • You do not give yourself the grace to experience anything negative without feeling guilty about it.

  • You are constantly aware of how others are feeling around you.

  • You want to ensure everyone else is taken care of before they even know you were going through something.

I thought you might stick around!

The reality is that we don't have to live within these statements! We can choose to overcome them, as we also deserve to take a second for ourselves.

Some of us are going through a rough season right now. I know I am! And we need to have the tools so that we are equipped to go through the season and out the other end.

So here are my top tips to face your tough season head-on as a chronic people-pleaser!

Assess the situation

We can't always know what the root cause of our season is, but we can sure try to figure it out.

If you can get an idea of what you are up against then that can help you when you are attempting to fight the good fight. You can't know what tools you need to bring if you don't know what you are up against.

Sit down with a journal, and try a simple "brain dump" where you literally write whatever comes to mind. You would be surprised what you will write down during this time!

It could be incredibly insightful.

Choose A True Statement

The worst part of going through a rough season is that you can't see the light on the other side. The only thing you can see are the tears streaming down your face in the mirror.

You need to have a rock in this storm, and sometimes it takes picking out a rock you found at the store.

Look up encouraging statements on Pinterest, and see what resonates with you! It needs to be something you truly can believe in though.

I have always loved the absolute classic that is "You can do anything you set your mind to."

I know that this is actually the truth no matter how much time it takes me to do something.

Stick to Your Routine

These seasons are the best at tearing us away from our routines such as going to the gym. We can't let this happen!

Because once we lose sight of those goals we had before the season began, the longer it will take to see the light. You can, and you will keep your routines in spite of the season telling you to stay in bed.

Remind yourself that letting your daily routines slip away is only going to make you feel worse. Stopping the skincare routine that was working for you is only going to make you feel lazy.

You are worth every ounce of strength it takes to keep your eyes on the prize during this season.

Read & Journal

This tip isn't going to work for everyone, just warning you!

I truly believe that the more you consume healthy material, and journal your thoughts the more you are going to reform those mindsets. These seasons are attempting to pull us from any healthy mindset we had and replace it with a negative thought.

When we are reading books that are encouraging, and insightful we are filling that space that would have been filled with negativity. The journaling helps get out the negativity that still finds a way in.

You could even use journaling as a way of tracking your progress through the season. This thought is driven by the fact that these seasons are temporary. They aren't forever, and you can write that down every day if you want!

Envision What you want

My last tip for you would be to always keep what you want in the forefront of your mind. This season isn’t forever and you need to have the end goal in mind.

What do you want life to look like when you emerge from this season?

Write it down! Post it all around so you are reminded.

You can and you will get through this.

1 commentaire

24 mai 2022


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