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How To Stop Putting Your Goals On Hold | The Inspiration You Need To Start Today

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Do you know what I realized this morning?

My house is filled with other people's dreams coming true.

Let me explain.

I was doing my skin-care routine and I look over and saw my lotion bottle from Scentsy.

I'm sure we have all heard of or been using their products for a while now!

Scentsy is a wonderful company that creates beautifully scented items, such as lotion and soap.

It hit me that someone had an idea, and pursued it to the extreme that I now get the benefit of using that product.

How does that make you feel?

Not to be dramatic, but that honestly gives me goosebumps!

Someone believed in themselves and their idea enough that now the world knows their product.

How amazing is that?

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” Elbert Hubbard

This is the encouragement we are all needing when it comes to pursuing our own dreams.

We are constantly feeling bombarded by thoughts of giving up or feeling like a failure from the get-go.

The thought of failing in the pursuit of our dreams is paralyzing the majority of the time, and it stops us before we even start.

The trick to finally pursuing your dreams is visualizing your dreams sitting on your customer's counters. You can be just as successful!

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of the people who created Scentsy! I'm sure they even did give up at some point in their journey.

Creating an entire business like theirs is incredibly stressful, and difficult.

And yet.... their bottle of lotion is sitting on a lot of our counters right now.

What do you want to put into the world? Do you have dreams of succeeding like that?

You literally have all the options in the world when it comes to your dreams. So, why not put everything you have into your goals today?

What do you have to lose? Currently, you have not even started which means you are at step 0! You can't go back from here so start today.

So when you are feeling like giving up, look at your counters.

Look at your fridge, bookshelf, makeup collection, etc.

These are all created by people who had a vision, and actually walked it out.

You will do that as well. I truly believe that, and you should as well.

What is your vision, and how will you take one step closer to that today?

Comment below and share with the community!


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