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2 Undeniable Ways To Find A Hobby

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

Let's imagine we are all sitting in a circle, and I ask you to bring up your bank statements.

First of all, a very personal question I know!

However, we continue and all pull them up to examine.

I ask all of you to share with the group where the majority of your after-bills money is going.

I mean after you have sat down and paid all of your bills, and know that you are safe to spend. The money that is going to things that make you happy.

Where is the majority of your money going? What would your answer be to this question?

Assess where your money is going

The reason we are looking at where our money is going is that the majority of us are spending that extra cash on things that we want.

For example, you could be spending your money on clothing.

Hobby Idea: Find a local Goodwill Bin Outlet Store, sift through and find high-ticket items and sell them on Mercari! I highly recommend this as it is great fun and also makes you extra money.

The whole point of it looking at your spending is to look for clues on what you could invest in a little more.

What is something that you think could flourish with a little extra time and effort?

Assess where you are spending your time

Again, this question is pertaining to your time after the required commitments.

So after work, where is your time going?

Truly think about this question! Where does the first hour after work go? The second hour? You need a really clear picture of where you are spending your time.

Side note: I like that we say "spending" our time. We truly are spending our time like money! Time is money, and we need to treat it as important as we treat our money.

For example, you could be spending your time scrolling through your favorite social media app.

I'm sure the majority of us are going to have that as a large amount of time spent! It's okay.

Hobby Idea: Examine your favorite creator! What are they creating? What passions do they have that are so enticing to you? Do they do something in their videos that you want to do?

Adopting a hobby is simply asking yourself a million questions until something resonates! It truly should not be stressful as this is something you want.

If you want this new hobby then it should inspire you and not stress you out.

When passion meets work, work becomes a hobby. - Aniekee Ezekiel

A great thought right?! While we are pursuing and cultivating a small hobby for after-work hours, we could venture into a lifelong journey we never imagined.

This life is filled with a thousand different doors that we could choose to open.

Which door are you going to open today?


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