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The Ultimate Guide to Changing Your Career | 5 Easy Tips

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

Are you feeling stressed about this new life shift that is about to happen?

Then, you are in the right place! We are in this together, and I am hoping that my experience can help ease your transition.

I am about to step into a new career path, and I can tell you that I am very nervous!!

That being said, I am very excited and have decided to share with you the top priorities that I ensure happen before a life shift occurs.

These steps have always made life much easier for me as I am busy focusing on the newness of my life.

I hope that they help you as well, and I am always happy to hear if you implement them in this season of yours!

Journal Your Fears

At times, I think that this is the most important step that you can take before a new beginning.

I was raised religiously, and something did stick in my mind that I still use today. My mother always told me that you need to bring negative thoughts into the light, and they can't control you anymore.

I think about that sentence often in my adult life as it's so true! I have learned through therapy just how helpful this can be.

We hold our fears in the dark for so long that they consume us. But, if we shove them into the light and acknowledge them, then they can't hurt us anymore.

​Think on that one, and get back to me!

Major Self Care the Night Before

I have always done this, as it centers you and gives you a chance to breathe!

We all need to take a moment and let ourselves feel the emotions coursing through us. The nerves are real!

I always take a hot soak, and shave my legs so that I don't have to worry about that the next day. I even set out my outfit for the next day!

The less you have to do the next morning, the better.

Self Care can be anything that centers you and makes you feel ready to take the next move on. You are ready for this, and sometimes your mind needs a second to catch up.

My favorite thing to do is write a letter to yourself that is an encouragement for when you feel stressed down the road. This letter will be a crutch to lean on when you feel you can't do this.

​Believe in yourself!

Plan out the Next Week, or even the Next Month

This can be overwhelming, especially if you are not used to planning your time in the first place.

But, I promise it'll make all the difference! Just try the first week, and see how that goes if you are nervous about this.

I strongly recommend getting a planner, and planning out the week so that you know exactly what to expect.

I say this because we can't just put life on hold when we start a new job or add something to our lives. We still have other obligations that we need to show up for.

When you put it all down on paper, there is less chance that you are going to forget something important.

I always start with the new item, and plan my day around that! It's important to prioritize the new item on your agenda.

Then, begin to add a workout schedule and social life.

Meal Prep

This ties into the idea of scheduling your new life out, but in a very important way!

We still need to eat, even if we are busy with the new agenda item. So it's time for you to whip out another page in the planner, and write out some meal ideas.

This is where I want to mention how important it is to stock up the first week as well. When you plan your meals, go grocery shopping and make sure you have everything you need.

This way you remove those extra stops at the store after work when you are already exhausted from all the new information you learned.

When you meal prep, you cut out decision fatigue in a stressful time of life. So, let's plan out the first week at least!

You can freeze so many meals, which helps so much if you can find the time to cook some meals the night before.

Ask for Support from your Partner/Friend/Family

This is so incredibly important, which is why I left it for last!

This is going to be a big change for you, and you are going to feel alone for a time. Especially if you are entering a new job environment where you don't know anyone.

All of the steps above could be actually walked out with your partner, which makes you feel supported even more!

This is going to be a stressful time regardless, as you learn the ropes. So, why not take every precaution you can to make it easier?

You are walking into a new season of your life, and I am so excited for you.

You can also ask for help from a therapist! Find one here.

As I said, we are in this together and I will be walking out these steps right along with you. They are going to help us transition much smoother.

I hope that they help you in this important time of your life!

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