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4 Reasons You Should Stop Doubting Yourself And Start Your Blog

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

The courage it takes to start a blog is actually incredibly high. You wouldn’t think that when you see all these beautifully set up blogs though!

I honestly had to convince myself that no one was ever going to read my blog, just so that I wouldn’t be too nervous to post my words.

The fear of being judged can be paralyzing when you want to share a piece of yourself with the world.

I believe that you sincerely need a reason to continue writing when you begin a blog, or you are just going to let it fall away.

So that brings me to why I actually star

ted this blog! I’m excited to share with you today what is the driving force behind the blog that you have been reading!

And in turn, I hope that you find the inspiration you need to start your blog.

I want to support women and their mental health.

This has honestly been the number one priority for me when I am writing a post for you all. I want to ensure that my content will bring something new or helpful to your life.

My blog posts have to be genuine, or I simply won't post them.

As I said before, you need a big enough reason or you are just going to quit soon after starting. I have quit a previous blog before, and it was because I didn’t have a good reason to even continue writing it!

Today, the goal to support other women is so helpful for my motivation because we all need encouragement right now. We have to be responsible for our mental health and create an environment that can cultivate it.

One of the largest struggles I have with the world right now is inconsistency! We have literally no clue what turn of events is going to happen next.

This is how it is normally, but now it is magnified ever since Covid began. Do you agree?

So, the amount of uncertainty has been truly pushing me to create consistency in my own life, and that increases my desire to write content that others can rely on as well.

Writing has always been a must for me.

During my Bachelor’s Degree, I was always writing papers and I loved it. I started writing stories when I was really young, and have simply never stopped wanting to write.

So, when I graduated from college I knew that I needed to find an outlet for my writing inspiration. And here we are!

It’s simply incredible to see people on social media loving their hobbies, and turning them into a side hustle as well. I was always inspired by the ones that pursued their hobbies until they turned into something even more.

That is one of the most pressing reasons that I write my blog! I know that this is a passion that will never die, and simply a way that I can express myself.

We all need an outlet in this world, and this is increasingly becoming mine.

So, I always encourage people to pursue their hobbies wholeheartedly and you just might see it grow into something more.

I want to start my own small business!

Since I was young I knew that I would start my own business someday. This blog is just a glimpse into my heart and passion for that business.

So starting this blog was also a way of showing myself that I can, and will walk out any goal that I have for my life.

I truly recommend creating a website for your side hustle, even if you are not wanting a complete blog! It’s a great way to keep your links altogether, especially if you decide to open an Etsy shop or create multiple social media accounts.

It gives me a self-care platform.

I simply adore that when you become a blogger or an influencer and are posting content, you need to follow through on what you say!

It’s a natural accountability partner as you want to be genuine with your content, and do as you preach!

So, when I am creating content that tells women to give themselves a break and breathe a little… I try to do the same!

If I am willing to tell women that they need a self-care routine then I need one as well. I don’t want to be saying anything on my blog that I am not willing to do myself.

So, having a blog has provided me with a multitude of self-care practices because I want to encourage women to do the same.

You are capable of doing anything you want!

Are you considering creating a blog, but don’t know if you should? You probably should!

I also want to tell you that the world has so much negativity in it, and if you have something positive to add to this world then we need it!

I hope that you get the courage to put out your content tonight! We need all the encouragement we can get in this world right now, and I hope to see your content doing just that.

So, if you are looking for a sign to publishing that blog, then this is it. If you have any questions on how to start, I’m your girl!

As always, I hope this inspired you to take action for your dreams today!

© 2022 by Emily. Proudly created with

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