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The Number One Secret To Blogging Effectively

I have spent my entire life looking to others for validation and guidance.

One day I saw a TikTok where the woman filming captioned her video with “the moment I stopped asking for guidance was the moment I found myself.”

I’ve never been the same since Y'all.

Now before we get into it I gotta warn you I am passionate about this so please feel free to skip ahead to the parts you need! I won’t be offended!

You are here because of the title of this blog post. So you are searching for an answer to how to blog effectively.

You are in luck as I have found the key that no one ever told me about until I saw that small caption in that video.

My number one answer for you is.. Drum roll, please.

Write blog posts that you would love to read yourself.

My number one hiccup that has kept me back is that I think I need to write as everyone else does. My social media posts need to look like theirs so that I can be successful too.

This is completely false.

Why? Because you clearly haven’t found what you are looking for yet.

Do you see where I’m going with this? You need to write the blog posts that you have been searching for all this time.

I can’t count the number of posts that I have read to attempt to be a better writer, blogger, social media manager, etc.

Yes, doing your research can be incredibly helpful. That is not the problem.

The problem is that we are consuming ourselves with looking for guidance for every single step we take that we forget we actually need to take the step.

What are you looking for when you do a google search or a Pinterest search? Analyze that and tell me what you see. You are searching for content that most likely you are the one meant to write.

The content you are searching for is possibly also something you are incredibly passionate about which also gives you an upper hand in writing quality content.

Be completely and utterly yourself.

I believe this is just as important to the quality of your blog posts as writing what you are passionate about as well.

When you lose the “guidance” of others and focus on writing content directly from your soul you are going to see a change.

We can’t write cookie-cutter blog posts anymore Y'all!

We have something special to say, and we can’t hold back anymore. Use your passion and write the content that you would benefit from reading yourself.

You are completely unique and that means that your content has the right to be the same way. Your content does not need to look like anyone else’s to succeed.

It actually will do better if you strike out on your own.

Learn how to use social media to promote your blog posts.

This is a tip that I actually wish I didn’t have to include, but it’s essential.

As bloggers, we are often really talented at writing but don’t consider the social media aspect until we notice we aren’t getting any views.

Is that where you are? It’s alright.

It seems that consistency is the true key here. There are numerous ways to make social media usage much easier for yourself so that you can still focus on the writing content.

This is where you either hire a social media manager or do your extensive research to learn the tools.

There are individuals like myself that own their own blogs and also help manage other people’s social media.

You can always message me to learn further!

Let me know how you feel about reading this post!

  • I am still discouraged about starting my blog!

  • I feel inspired to create the content I was meant to write!

Y’all, I hope that you got at least one message out of this today.

Do you want to blog effectively? You are going to write one hundred percent unique content that comes from a passion that only you have.

You are going to ask yourself what type of content you wish you saw when you do a google search, and then you are going to write that content.

You have the tools already in your toolbox because you have a passion for what you want. Use that passion today.

Message me or comment below if you have any questions on how to get started!

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