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The Relatable Small Town Girl's Blog | Welcome!

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

At the beginning of every class that I've ever attended the professor has given me a syllabus.

This guide includes what you should expect from the class you are in.

Well, I want to do that here today!

Welcome to my platform! I am very grateful that you are here today.

My intention with this blog is an assortment of items.

First, I would like to grow as a woman while surrounding myself with other women whose goals and visions align with my own.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. - Jim Rohn.

This quote is something that I strongly believe in.

Who are we spending the majority of our time with?

I want to ask the tough questions, and encourage other women to as well.

Second, I want to learn and in turn, teach.

I want to broaden my horizons to such an extent that I seamlessly fall into the woman I have yet to become.

There is a version of myself that I have yet to meet, and I am ready to meet her.

Above all, I want this platform to become a place where women can come to find a sense of peace.

The world has not been a very safe space for some time now. I want this platform to be a space where we can escape for a bit of time.

We all need encouragement and a safe place on this earth. I truly hope that I can create that for myself, and all of you.

The most beautiful part of this process will be the growth I get to document and share with you.

Life is not a straight line, and there are so many ups and downs that make it difficult to be proud of ourselves sometimes.

This platform is going to celebrate the ups, but also the downs.

My greatest desire for this blog is to be that support that I needed all those years ago.

I hope that you feel you've landed in the right space, and are here to stay!

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