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5 Ways To Dramatically Change Your Life By Simplifying Your Decisions

5 Ways To Dramatically Change Your Life By Simplifying Your Decisions

Making decisions can feel nearly impossible when you feel pressure to make so many every day. These overwhelming feelings can include decisions as simple as what to wear for the day or as big as what vehicle to purchase next. We have all heard about simplifying your life, but what does that mean?

Our lives can become cluttered, and I’m not just referring to the junk you have between your car seats. I’m referring to the bustle of everyday living and how we can quickly become overwhelmed by everything we “need” to do. Does this sound familiar?

If you relate to feeling overwhelmed by your life’s daily bustle, then that is why simplifying your decisions can become an asset and drastically change your life.

Let’s dive right into the five areas of your life we can audit that will simplify your life by improving your future decision-making skills.

Declutter Your Physical Space

We can start simplifying our lives by examining our physical spaces and deciding what is serving us and what is not. Our physical spaces can have a significant impact on our decision-making. You can start by walking through each room of your living space and asking yourself if this room brings you peace or frustration. Our physical spaces can inspire or steal our creativity and then impact our future decision-making skills.

The fewer possessions that one owns equals fewer possessions to clean up or make decisions about. It’s simple but hard to chew on when attempting to clean up our spaces to free up our future decision. We must declutter our physical space if we are passionate about freeing up our future decision.

Invest In A Planner

If we attempt to manage our lives and schedules in our heads, our decision-making skills will quickly become depleted. A planner can help you prevent your energy levels from becoming depleted. As you offload some of your stress into your planner, you will have more mental energy for critical decisions that come to your attention.

Many of us think we can remember every detail of our lives and then become overwhelmed when we forget. This investment in a planner, even if you are using your iPhone will dramatically increase your chances of staying organized and creating more space for future decisions.

Audit Your Digital Space

This may be a foreign idea to clean up your digital space, but it can be a huge help! You can start with your phone and organize your apps in order by use. Searching for apps on your phone will no longer be needed as each app will be labeled. You can also clean up your computer by deleting files you no longer are in need.

Our emails are one of the most stressful digital spaces to keep clean, which explains why spending some time each day cleaning that out can help! You might not realize the impact your full inbox is having on your decision making but you will after you clean it up.

Audit Your Goals In Life

The goals we had yesterday may not be what you want today, which is okay. It’s allowed and healthy to audit the goals that you have set for your life. We aren't expected to have the same goals throughout our lives, and examining them can help us grow.

If you need to free up some mental energy, then it may be time to evaluate your goals and ensure that they align with what you want. There are times in our lives when shifting our goals is necessary, especially when our stress levels are high. The goal here is to be aware of how your goals are affecting your decision-making skills.

Read more about this here!


There comes a time when you need to ask for help even if asking is incredibly difficult. Delegating can free up mental energy by setting yourself free from certain tasks that you were once responsible for. An example would be to hire a house cleaner to clean your home while you are away. This decision frees your mind of all the small tasks and allows you to focus on more important matters.

Asking for help can be difficult for the majority of us, however, the benefits can outweigh the discomfort we might feel.

Final Thoughts

The action of making decisions to free up your future decision-making might seem awkward but trust the process. Being proactive with your actions and decisions can simplify your life, and take a large portion of stress off your shoulders.

It’s highly encouraged to begin by cleaning your physical spaces and enjoying the relief that this brings you. You can then move on to cleaning up your digital space, scheduling your life and even taking a glance at your goals. The goal is to make healthy decisions ahead of time to ensure you can make healthy decisions on the spot.

Check out this article to continue your self-improvement journey and improve your goals!

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