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How to Successfully Adopt New Habits

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

We have so many dreams and visions for our lives, but how many are we actually living out?

Personally, I'm not living out much of them at all, unfortunately.

So I wanted to share with you my goals and habits that I am going to be adopting for my own life.

The important part I want you to notice is that I set them up differently than just saying these are items I want.

I am not saying I'm going to do it and leaving it at that.

I am expressing my desires for my life and telling myself and you the true why behind the passion.

Then, I'm telling you how I am going to walk it out!

I want to encourage you to do the same while you are reading this post.

What habits do you want to adopt in your life?

Why do you want them?

How are you going to achieve them?

Think about it!

Here is our model:


I want to begin using my gym membership effectively. This means that I want to go to the gym at least three times a week for at least an hour each time. I recognize that life happens sometimes, but this is the goal I have set out to adopt.


I want to adopt this habit into my life because I am worth having my body operating at its peak performance. I know that I will not be able to accomplish everything that I want to unless I get my body in order. That includes moving it and getting the kinks out each day! In the simplest form, I don't want to waste my money on a gym membership that I will never use. I want to feel good when I wake up! I want to begin planning events and actually feel like I can physically show up! Our bodies are incredibly important, and taking care of them now is much easier than taking care of them after they are hurt.


I am going to set an alarm for 5 am each morning that I am going to be attending the gym. At this moment, I am planning for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday but we will see what works best schedule-wise! I have been having an incredibly rough time waking up in the morning, and so my newest idea is to put my phone across the room! We will see how that works. I hope you have noticed by now that I am very focused on a growth mindset and not a guilt mindset. I want to do these things. I am not being forced to do them, so I do not need to feel guilty if someday I need to skip the gym because of my period cramps. I hope that makes senses!


I want to begin treating my body as a temple and my greatest resource. This means that what goes in is going to come out. Am I putting bad food into my body? Am I consuming media that is bringing me down, and putting negative thoughts in my head? My goal with this habit will be to bring more awareness to my everyday life. The food I eat, the thoughts I think, the people I surround myself with, etc.


I want to be hyper-aware of what I am putting into my life so that I can ensure good is coming out. I want to ask questions pertaining to what is going to benefit my life. My purchases, my time allotment, etc. These are all going to affect me long term, and they are worth contemplating.


My partner and I are in a big transition right now with where we want to be in life. This is in regards to where we want to live but also who we are as individuals. I feel this is a great time for me to begin the process of digging really deep into who I want to be and making some changes. How will I do this? I want to begin by making a list of aspects of my life that I want to change. This is going to give me direction on my next questions of how I will change those things. We have the capability to change and be who we want to be. I have found myself asking why I haven't changed in years, and that's because I haven't chosen. I need to actually choose what I want, and believe I'm worth the work it's going to take.


I want to develop one single hobby. I say one because I have many that I could start working on, but I get overwhelmed and don't start any of them when I focus on all of them! So my one single hobby will be playing guitar. I know a few chords and have tried off and on through the years. I want to commit my time to one single hobby right now, and I feel the guitar is attainable as that goal.


I truly believe that we all need to have a hobby. Something that we look forward to doing after work or something we just simply like to do. I also believe that it helps fend off spending our time on our phones. This is incredibly hard to stay away from, and so I am hoping it encourages me not to scroll Tik Tok for hours!


I plan to give myself a goal of practicing 3 times a week for now. I would like to practice for at least 30 minutes each time. I think that Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday after work is going to be a good schedule for me.

These are three habits that I want to adopt into my life.

I hope that the layout of these goals helped inspire you to create your own habit plan.

We can't form habits unless we are ready to put time and effort into them, and into ourselves. We are worth that time and effort though!

I know it's going to be hard, there are going to be days I don't want to do this.

I know that I will have to work around life events such as having my monthly period!

This is all okay, and natural.

We are human beings, and that should take some pressure off.

These habits that we are going to be forming are meant to better our lives, and not bring extra stress.

We want these goals, remember that.

We wouldn't be pursuing them unless we want them, right?

I would love to hear what your goals are in the comments.

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