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The Swim Instructors Handbook For Skincare & Haircare

Did you recently become a swim instructor and are too much for your hair and scalp to handle without struggling to find a balance for your body? Have you been a swim instructor and want tips to make your job easier? Then you are in the right place below you will find the top problems that arose for me as a swim instructor and the solutions that changed the game!

#1 Problem: My hair dried out!

I swear my hair has never been drier than when I became a swim instructor and am in the water at least 4 nights a week. The chemicals are too much for our hair and scalp to handle without extra TLC. I began experiencing dandruff for the first time ever and even when I washed and conditioned my hair, it was still dry.

Solution: Choose your products carefully!

As I was searching the internet for what to do, I first noticed that there is not much in the way of resources for swim instructors, and second I came across eco-friendly products. As people who now need to wash their hair and bodies nearly every single day, I feel we need to make the right choices with our products. We are now using more products than we would have before and hence need to take the earth into consideration.

The button above will you help you find some of the best eco-friendly shampoos and conditioners that protect the earth and cleanse your hair and skin chemical free. With chlorine already covering our skin nearly every day, we need to protect it and remove the excess chemicals after exiting the pool.

#2 Problem: Shaving is terrible!

In my orientation, a new coworker asked if they had any skincare tips and the manager responded with “Just don’t shave the day of your shift.” That was incredibly helpful. Not! I have had the worst time scheduling when to shave and have noticed that irritation has become a norm.

Solution: Say goodbye to social expectations and say hello to new products

I have found that the most helpful tip is realizing that being a swim instructor is now your job, and you do not need to be perfectly shaved every time that you step into the water. This isn’t summertime and you are meeting your friends at the pool to tan. This is your job and no one is looking at your body as you are under the water for the duration of your shift. It’s incredibly difficult to let go of the societal expectation that has been ingrained into us from a young age, but it’s a requirement of this job.

The next tip is to find a shaving cream that is meant for sensitive skin! It doesn’t matter if you didn’t have sensitive skin before taking this job as the chlorine will leave you sensitive no matter what. The best I have found so far would be the Aveeno Therapeutic Shaving Gel which you can find here! I also highly recommend looking into zero-waste and chemical-free products which can be found by clicking the button above.

#3 Problem: My skin(specifically my hands!) are completely dried out

I have noticed that my hands are so dry that they are flaky the instant I dry off after my shift. It’s so bad that applying lotion leaves my hands stinging and hurting until finally, I have hydrated them back to life. The rest of my body also feels very dry and will randomly get itchy.

Solution: Schedule lotion breaks!

After my shifts as a swim instructor, I don’t want to spend five hours showering and then putting lotion on every part of my body. I don’t know about you but I just don’t have the time to do that! That is where my solution came into play and has worked fairly well. I work about four to five shifts a week and I have begun taking the time for one part of my body after each shift.

Ex. After my shift on Monday nights, I shower and put lotion on my chest and arms. After my shift on Tuesdays, I shower and put lotion on my legs and feet. Once a week, I schedule a time to do a full skincare routine for my face as well.

You might be reading that and thinking this is a waste of time but it’s actually saved me so much time and helped me prevent itchy dry skin. I recommend clicking the link above to find a list of eco-friendly lotion products that will actually moisturize your skin each time you use it. I have also found that if you feel your skin is really acting up and you need to put lotion everywhere every day then buying a cheap big bottle is also helpful. I know that it goes against the chemical-free idea but sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do, right?

Swim As A Lifestyle

Often we become swim instructors because we once swam on a swim team or even just have a life-long passion for the water. Nonetheless, we most likely already know the woes of chlorine before we attained this job. That doesn’t make it any easier when we realize that we can’t just stop off at the bar after work without fully showering. It feels different getting in the pool as a job rather than just an after-school activity. These three solutions hopefully helped to make your daily life as a swim instructor just a tad easier!

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