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Life Lessons From My Acupuncturist

Updated: May 23, 2022

I have been going to get acupuncture done for about 4 weeks now, and it has been incredible. I highly recommend trying it out, as there are so many benefits.

During my sessions, my acupuncturist has said some pretty profound things! They have helped me change my mindset on a few aspects of life.

You have so much support in this life.

He said this in the very first session! I won't lie. I wanted to shoot back with something sassy like the fact that he doesn't know anything about me. He had just met me!

I held back though, and he continued to say that recognizing the support in your life is going to be vital for the process of acupuncture. He then went into the literal support in my life. He stated that the chair I was sitting in was supporting me. The car that brought me to the appointment was supporting me. He listed out quite a few things, and I don't know about you but it got me thinking.

We are supported by much more than just human connection. This goes into being thankful for all the little things. We don't consciously think about the fact that the couch is holding us up off the ground, but it is.

You can not be in two places at once

This idea has been incredibly helpful in the fact that I am very prone to live my life in the past. It's so difficult to not focus on the events in your past where you have been hurt.

However, the statement that you can't be in two places at once is so incredibly helpful. We have to make a decision if we are going to pursue our futures or our pasts. I want to choose my future as it contains so much more than my past!

Things don't have to be complicated

I don't know about you but I needed someone to say this to me. I make absolutely everything complicated in my life, down to what type of food I buy. I have always let the world dictate how I feel to the degree that every decision is difficult.

We don't have to complicate our feelings anymore. We don't have to complicate our relationships anymore. It is not complicated. You can interpret that however you would find it helpful though! We all experience this world differently, and what works for me might not work for you.

Let's learn to be open-minded to finding out what works for us!


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