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A Consumer's Perspective On VIICode Oxygen Eye Mask

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Interest Peaked

As a consumer of skin care products, I’ve found it quite difficult to find one that works for my skin. I’ve been looking for a product that would be gentle on my skin but also fix the problem. I have had dark circles under my eyes for a few years now and was hoping to take them away. This is what brought me to purchase VIICode’s eye mask.


The product arrived in the mail and the packaging was beautiful. The box they shipped the eye patches in was clean and sturdy. As I opened the outside box I found the actual product to be in a great quality box as well. Each eye mask is individually wrapped and ensures quality and safety for the product. As you rip open the individual eye mask packaging, you see that the actual mask is placed delicately within its own plastic container which keeps it protected and easy to pick up. Overall, the packaging is a 10 out of 10!

Application Process

As I gently pulled the eye mask from its container I noticed how soft the eye mask was. The instructions said to wash your face first so I did. I then carefully placed each mask under my eyes and pressed each down to ensure it was sticking. At first, it felt as though it wasn’t going to stay stuck on my skin. The masks are so comfortable that you feel as though they aren’t even on you. In a few minutes the masks felt much more secure and they stayed on until I manually removed them from my face. The application of these eye masks was very simple and even therapeutic.

Product Success Rate

I left the masks on for about 5 hours and was perfectly comfortable the entirety of the time. As I removed them from my face it was though some weight was taken off my face. The circles from under my eyes had vanished and I even felt less puffy than I normally do. The masks also leave a soothing cool feeling on your skin even after removing the patches. You feel the difference right away which leaves me feeling incredibly satisfied with my purchase.


In conclusion, I would absolutely recommend this product as it gave me everything I’ve been looking for for so long. I now don’t have to worry about waking up with dark circles under my eyes. It’s saving me money on makeup and time! I’m beyond impressed with this product and am thankful I was recommended to the product in the first place. I will be using the patches for a very long time as they are changing my life.

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